Sonny James
Tom: D

Verso 1:

D               G       D          
Higher than the highest mountain...deeper than 
    G       D
the deepest sea.
G                 D                      G          D
That's how I will love you..Oh, darlin'

Verso 2:

D               G      D
Softer than the gentle breezes...stronger than the 
G        D    D7
Wild Oak tree.
G                 D                      G          D
That's how I will hold you..Oh, darlin'


Em           A          D
Oh, my love, you are my heaven,
           Em       A          D    D7
You are my kingdom , you are my crown.
Em           A            D       Bm
Oh, my love, you're all I pray.ay for..
         E                         A    A7
You were made for these arms to surround.

Verso 3:

D             G         D                  G        D
Faithful as a morning's as a love can be.
G                 D                      G          D
That's how I will love you..Oh, darlin'


Em           A          D
Oh, my love, you are my heaven,
           Em       A          D    D7
You are my kingdom , you are my crown.
Em           A            D       Bm
Oh, my love, you're all I pray.ay for..
         E                         A    A7
You were made for these arms to surround.

Verso 4:

D             G         D                  G        D
Faithful as a morning's as a love can be.
G                 D                      G          D
That's how I will love you..Oh, darlin'
     D        G          D
Yes, darlin'
  • Enviada por: Sem inscrição
  • Exibições: 23
  • Nº de acordes: 8


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